Seek sustainable life with the nature

Adios Cuenca! クエンカ覚書



I stayed in Cuenca for 2 nights! August is almost over so it wasn’t so hot compare to Toledo or Alicante on early August. the air was dry even though there’s a beautiful river nearby. But there are many fountains and taps so I could get water while walking! (I’m not sure about its quality tho... at least I didn’t have stomachache!)


The reason why I came to Cuenca is that my Spanish friend recommended me:) This city is known as a model city of Animation and as a place that popular (comedy?) TV program was recorded. I didn’t watch it but one of main actor is my favorite!


when I had a lunch at a taberna, I heard a guy passed by me said “Japonesa”. Yes! Yo soy Japonésa!!


I was impressed by greens in Cuenca! The cities I visited in Spain, there are not much green because it’s dry. But here! Thanks to the river! 


Wow, it’s beautiful. But no body swam. :P



The most famous house in Cuenca. I found a mini hiking path near a bridge. No one went but me. Perfect!! I enjoyed so much:)


This path leads me to a top of a mountain, or a hill where is good view point of the city! It took about 1 hour because I took a rest a little. Many stairs but not hard. The view was beautiful!


Then back to city and went to the cathedral. The entrance fee is 5€ which is a bit expensive for me... but looks nice so I entered. They offered an audio guide for free which is super nice! (No Japanese) The interior was the same as others to be honest. But there’s one thing I really liked!


This beautiful window. It’s like a sunset. I like the petteren of the window and also the color of light. It made mysterious atmosphere.


Then I went to taberna and had Spanish omelette. My favorite! And beer;) a waitress couldn’t speak English so it’s a bit hard... I still can’t speak Spanish... oh. I wanted to ask a price of a beer. So I asked “que priser?” She said “AMBER”. She thought I asked what’s kind of beer. So I said “non. Como priser. En, dos, tres...” I guess she said “as many as you want!”. Nooon! I want only a beer of course! lol I gave up so I order just a beer “en cerveza”. I didn’t realized I mixed Norwegian until she said “una cerveza”. Si... una. En is Norwegian...


still norwegian words come up a lot when I think about Spanish word... sometimes it’s similar! Norwegian says trist as sad and Spanish says triste! Corn is also the same sound! I don’t know the spelling. Spanish also sometimes similar to French. That’s interesting!


oh and one more thing... I thought farmers in Nieva named a turkey “Pablo”. But I knew that tuerky is Pavo in Spanish. So when they talked about Pavo, it sounded like Pablo for me.


well, then I saw everything what I wanted to see. So I went back to the hostel and took a rest on a bed. It’s hot outside so waited til 18:00. Then went outside with a book and had a bench by the river. I couldn’t concentrate to read it in noisy place. So it’s perfect to read it by the nature. It’s even a bit chilly.


around 19:30, I went to the hill again to see sunset! I sat on a rock and read a book again. The sunset was not so amazing but it’s nice! I had a nice day!


going to Cuenca, I took a bus from Madrid. I wanted to go to Zaragoza from Cuenca but there’s no buses... one thing I don’t like is that most of buses depart from only Madrid!! To Toledo, to Alicante, to Cuenca, to Zaragoza, Everytime I need to go back to Madrid. And took a metro to go to bus terminals. Why not everything depart from Mendez Alvaro? Why should I go back Madrid everytime?? Actually from Cuenca to Zaragoza, it’s possible to go by a bus through Teruel. But I must stay at Teruel for a night because of time schedule of the bus. The bus to Zaragoza will depart on time when the bus from Cuenca arrive. No make sense...


so! I decided to go back to Madrid. But I’m not planning to stay in Madrid because people

are cold and the city is too huge for me... after a small Herat break of leaving a village, I can’t stand up with cold people and busy atmosphere. One day I may be back to visit museums. 


The hostel i stayed was nice! Comfy and clean. Not noisy. But there were many young girls on Saturday night. Everyone went out at 22:00 and back around 2:00 or 3:00 am... wow... is Coenca the city for party? Even it’s known as historical world heritage? I’m a bit embarraesed that I didn’t wear nice clothes and no makeup... :P anyways, They were so nice because spoke quietly and didn’t make noise!


I enjoyed Cuenca a lot!






私的にクエンカは、ラピュタっぽい。なんでもかんでもジブリに繋げてすんません笑 でも建物の土っぽい感じとか、丘になってる感じとか、めっちゃパズーがトランペット吹いてそうだなって。パブロ橋は、盗賊団が追いかけてくる線路に見えるなって。夕陽見ながら、君をのせてを歌ってみたんだけど、すごくしっくりきたよ!笑  












それからお腹が空いたから、タベルナへ。タベルナであってる?昨日外食はしないって宣言したのに、これだよw だってどうしてもスパニッシュオムレツが食べたかった…大好きなの…!それからビール。ビールの値段を知りたくて拙いスパニッシュ語で聞いてみたけど、まるで通じない笑  いくらか聞きたくて、って数を伝えたら、ウェイトレスは私が飲みたいだけ頼めばいいとw そうじゃないんだー1杯で十分なんだよー!諦めてビール頼んじゃった。そしたらな、な、な、なんと!2.5ユーロ!!安い!!私はてっきり4ユーロぐらいいくと思ってたのにっ。しめて7.5ユーロ!10ユーロこえると思ったのにっっ。嬉しい〜〜最後は笑顔でお姉さんに、ムーチョグラシアスと伝え、爽やかに去ったぜ。










本があるから水は置いてきちゃったんだけど。失敗。めっちゃ口乾く。水分足りない。やばい。しかし1ユーロたりとてもう使いたくはなかったワイ。必死に街中に点在する水道や噴水を探したけど、こういう時に限って見つからない。もうダメか…買うしかないのか…そう諦めた時ついに見つけたー!駐車場のはじにある水道!使われた形跡がないけど…飲んでしまえ!!がぶ飲みー笑  この水のせいか分からんけども、夜ちょっとお腹の調子悪かったw




…普通、だね。ネットでクエンカは夕焼けが最高!みたいに書いてあったから、こうしてやってきたんだけど…逆光だね。全然クエンカの街オレンジ色に輝いてないけども…輝くどころか、真っ暗ですけども…。まあ気持ち良かったからいいけどさ。可愛い犬にも会えたし。まだ子犬でねー無邪気だった。知らんおじさんにじゃれかかって、邪険にされてた笑  飼い主が帰るよ!って言ったら、犬が私の所にやってきて、「帰るって!」みたいな顔して見上げてきた。か、可愛い…!なんだこの可愛さ!ガラバトが恋しいよー!






クエンカへのアクセスは、マドリッドのEscation surターミナルからバス。2時間ぐらいで着くよ。片道13ユーロほど。割と本数も多いよ。クエンカのバスターミナルに窓口あるから、当日でもチケット買えるから安心してね。ただ私は30分前にチケットを現地購入したんだけど、残り2.3席ぐらいだったみたい。一番後ろの席だった。あぶねえ。



